Massage Therapy
Massage is the manipulation of the soft-tissues of the body. It helps to ease stress and muscular tension, relieve pain from injuries, and speed healing from certain acute and chronic conditions. Today millions of...
Massage is the manipulation of the soft-tissues of the body. It helps to ease stress and muscular tension, relieve pain from injuries, and speed healing from certain acute and chronic conditions. Today millions of...
Shiatsu is a Japanese form of massage therapy (the word shiatsu means "finger pressure" in Japanese). Advocates say the practice promotes health and healing by correcting energy imbalances in the body. Shiatsu practitioners...
Although specialists identify up to 200 divisions of arthritic conditions, it is useful to think of arthritis falling into two categories: osteoarthritis and rheumatiod arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the natural wear and tear of the...
There are many situations where some level of anxiety is perfectly normal, and a natural response to a stressful situation. It only becomes a problem when the degree of anxiety is out of proportion...