Author: altmed


Eucalyptus Honey

Eucalyptus Honey   Australia is the main producer of this clear, orange-gold honey, but it is also widely grown in southern Spain. Where honey is marketed as Australian honey, eucalyptus will be the dominant...


Kiawe Honey

Kiawe Honey This rare white organic honey comes from Hawaii. The unheated, unfiltered honey is so sought after that each year's crop is sold almost before the bees have harvested the nectar. Likw rapeseed...


Kamahi Honey

Kamahi Honey The tree that is the source of this honey is sacred to the Maori people of New Zealand. Kamahi honey crystallizes rapidly, so is usually sold in its creamed state. It has...


Pool Toy Mildew Prevention

Pool Toy Mildew Prevention 1 handful of baking soda Inflatable pool toys, including air mattresses, balls, and inner tubes, are susceptible to mold and mildew once they're deflated and stored in the off-season. To...