Natural Kitchen Sink Stain Remover
If a porcelain kitchen sink or bathroom sink becomes scuffed or stained, try an herbal bath. Steep several bunches of rosemary or thyme in hot water for a few hours, then strain. Stop up...
If a porcelain kitchen sink or bathroom sink becomes scuffed or stained, try an herbal bath. Steep several bunches of rosemary or thyme in hot water for a few hours, then strain. Stop up...
Toxic Chemicals in the Home In case of any accidental poisonings contact your local Poison Control Center – 1-800-222-1222 visit for additional information. Safe Alternatives to Toxic Cleaning Products – Natural Home...
Get Rid of Mold Naturally- Home Remedies Many people who blame their coughing and wheezing on pet dander or pollen are actually experiencing a reaction to mold spores in their home. Nothing helps mold...
Long before wall-to-wall carpet was even an idea in some interior decorator's mind, people used herbs to refresh their flooring. In colonial America, a popular cleaning strategy (adapted from the European tradition of strewing...