Acupuncture for Back Pain
According to a German study of more that 1100 back patients, those who had six months of twice-weekly acupuncture sessions had almost twice the improvement in pain and function as those who went the...
According to a German study of more that 1100 back patients, those who had six months of twice-weekly acupuncture sessions had almost twice the improvement in pain and function as those who went the...
Sick of gnarly back pain at the end of a long day? Here are some five-minute stoppers: HEAT – Take a hot shower or bath. Or microwave a towel or gel pack, or plug...
Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic essences extracted from plants, and it works by prompting a chemical in the brain. These extracted oils are the plant hormones-the most vital substance of the plant. Essential...
Iron-deficiency can be associated with low stomach acid, which affects one in two over 60’s. It can also result from stress or the prolonged use of antacid or acid suppressant medications. A lack of...