Hawthorn Honey
Hawthorn Honey Produced mainly in the United Kingdom, France and the United States, this honey can be anything from pale yellow to warm amber in colour. it has a fruity aroma and rich flavour....
Hawthorn Honey Produced mainly in the United Kingdom, France and the United States, this honey can be anything from pale yellow to warm amber in colour. it has a fruity aroma and rich flavour....
Heather Honey Possibly the best-known variety of honey in the world, heather honey has a jelly-like consistency, even in the comb, which makes extraction difficult. The methos used by most beekeepers is pressing, which...
Orange Blossom Honey With its unmistakable citrus perfume and flavour, this is a delicious and ver popular honey. The colour ranges from white to pale amber. It works well in marinades, meat glazes and...
Onion Honey One of the few honeys whose aroma is so strong that the source is undeniable. Fortunately the onion smell disappears after a few weeks, although the flavour of onion can still be...