3 Fast Natural Remedies for Chapped Lips
You Need More Water If your lips are chapped, cracked or dry, you need to get more water into your system. Many different situations inside and outside of your body will cause your lips...
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You Need More Water If your lips are chapped, cracked or dry, you need to get more water into your system. Many different situations inside and outside of your body will cause your lips...
Ailments / Alternative Medicine Therapies / Health Articles / Health News / Healthy Foods / Healthy Lifestyles / Kid's Health / Skin Care / Skin Care Health
If you keep skin free of dirt and excess oil- the thinking goes- perhaps your pores will never get clogged. But over-cleansing can cause acne by making your sebaceous glands produce more oil. Forgo...
Ailments / Alternative Medicine Therapies / Diet Tips and Foods / Health Articles / Health News / Healthy Foods / Healthy Lifestyles / Kid's Health / Natural Remedies / Skin Care / Skin Care Health
Think ZINC. People with acne tend to have lower than normal zinc levels. Zinc supplements produce visible improvement in about a third of people who take them. You’ll need high doses, though- between 200...
Ailments / Alternative Medicine Therapies / Health Articles / Health News / Healthy Foods / Healthy Lifestyles / Herbs / Kid's Health / Natural Remedies / Skin Care / Skin Care Health
Three times a day, dab a drop of tea tree oil on blemishes to discourage infection and speed healing. Research has found that 5% tea-tree oil is as effective against acne as a 5%...