5 Fruits To Stay Young
Fruits provide a wealth of rejuvenating nutrients and fiber. We have evolved to be drawn to their sweetness because our bodies need their abundant vitamin C. Two or three palm size portions of fruit a day are all that’s necessary to reap the benefits of nature’s healthy treats.
1. Avacado – Truly a superfood! Its creamy flesh is packed with nutrients that keep the skin looking youthful and the heart strong!
2. Bananas – The banana is the ultimate sports snack because it provides quick, quality fuel. It is perfect for replenishing flagging cells and ensuring youthful repair to the body.
3. Raspberries – Bursting with Vitamin C and proanthocyanidins, raspberries have one of the highest antioxidant, antiaging profiles of any fruit.
4. Peaches – The soft fruit of this member of the rose family makes a nutritional sweet substitute for aging refined sugars and provides skin-nourishing nutrients.
5. Strawberries – Strawberries contain more fiber than the equivalent weight of whole wheat bread, making them very effective at removing aging toxins from the body.
Eat up and check out our recipe section for lots of great ideas for these super foods!