Energy Healing
Energy Healing
Quantum-Touch is a powerful, yet easy to learn, method of natural healing (or energy healing). Everyone has the innate ability to help ourselves and others. The Quantum-Touch techniques teach us how to focus and amplify life-force energy (or Chi, Bioenergy, Prana) by combining various breathing and energy awareness exercises. QT energy healers learn to amplify and direct the life-force energy, facilitating the body’s own healing process. Our love has more impact than we can imagine; the possibilities are truly extraordinary. Energy Medicine is a term used for holistic healing therapies that are focused on manipulating "life force" to bring about balance and wellness. Some energy-based modalities involve practitioners using hands-on techniques. Other therapies involve non-touch or absentia treatments. Specific areas treated are the aura, human energy field, chakras, and the meridian system. |