All Purpose Natural Facial Toner
All Purpose Natural Facial Toner
1/2 cup (24 g) dried chamomile
1 cup (240 ml) cider vinegar
1 tablespoon (15 ml) witch hazel
2 cups (475 ml) distilled water
Toners can help cleanse skin and tighten pores; however, some people find commercial toners to be too harsh. If you're looking for a gentle alternative, this formula might be right for you. Pack the chamomile into a pint-size glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Add the cider vinegar, then cover tightly. Store in a cool,dark place for 3 to 6 weeks, taking care to shake the jar gently every few days to keep contents active. Strain mixture, reserving the vinegar. Add the witch hazel to the vinegar and stir to combine. Transfer 1/4 cup (60 ml) of the mixture to a plastic bottle with a tight-fitting lid and dilute by adding 2 cups (475 ml) of distilled water. Apply the toner to your freshly washed face and neck with cotton pads. Refrigerate the mixture when not in use. The toner will last about a year. This toner is a great treatment for acne skins as well!