Relieve Headaches – Instantly!
Next time your head is pounding, try this tension tamer: Grab a small chunk of hair and gently tug and twist for two or three seconds. Repeat all over your head to stimulate blood...
Next time your head is pounding, try this tension tamer: Grab a small chunk of hair and gently tug and twist for two or three seconds. Repeat all over your head to stimulate blood...
Here is a home remedy to relieve tension headaches. Take Valerian for pain. Valerian helps relieve the pain of tension or migraine headaches. Take half a teaspoon of valerian extract diluted in warm water...
Ease Headaches with an aromatherapy compress. Lavender eases physical and mental stress andmarjoram has deeply relaxing properties. Add five drops each of lavender and marjoram essential oils to a basin of cool water. Soak...