Indigestion Cure – Baking Soda
This age-old remedy has given relief to people for generations. Baking soda is used in several over the counter products like Alka-Seltzer. Just add a few spoonfuls to a small glass of water, stir...
This age-old remedy has given relief to people for generations. Baking soda is used in several over the counter products like Alka-Seltzer. Just add a few spoonfuls to a small glass of water, stir...
An attack of indigestion can be triggered by too many fatty or spicy foods; stimulants such as tea, coffee , or alcohol; or emotional upset. Digestion also tends to slow a bit with age,...
Dill Seed Indigestion Tea 1 tablespoon (15 ml) dill seed 1 cup (240 ml) water 1 teaspoon (5 ml) honey, optional Eating pickles after a meal is a long-standing fold remedy for avoiding...
Ginger Juice Fresh root ginger is one of the best natural cures for indigestion and it helps to settle upset stomachs, whether caused by food poisoning or motion sickness. In this unusual fruity blend,...