Treating Cold hands and Feet Gingerly
For a winter warming, try drinking ginger tea before going outside in those coldest winter months, or take a 500 mg ginger capsule in the morning. Benefits to circulation accrue over time, not right...
Ailments / Alternative Medicine Therapies / Health Articles / Health News / Healthy Lifestyles / Herbs / Natural Home Remedies / Natural Remedies
For a winter warming, try drinking ginger tea before going outside in those coldest winter months, or take a 500 mg ginger capsule in the morning. Benefits to circulation accrue over time, not right...
Ailments / Alternative Medicine Therapies / Beauty Tips / Cold Allergy Flu Remedies / Health News / Healthy Lifestyles / Herbs / Natural Remedies / Skin Care
Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic essences extracted from plants, and it works by prompting a chemical in the brain. These extracted oils are the plant hormones-the most vital substance of the plant. Essential...
Whether you're flying to Europe for a much-needed vacation, across the country to visit family or friends, or just travel a lot for business, who wants to waste their trip adjusting to a new...
Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is a good treatment for anxiety, and you can do it on your own. Lavender oil is particularly effective, but you can also use jasmine or sandalwood. Vitamins Vitamin deficiencies –...