Tagged: sunburn


Yogurt Sunburn Relief Mask

Yogurt Sunburn Relief Mask 1 tablespoon plain whole-milk yogurt 1 drop lavender essential oil Yogurt and lavender essential oil calm sunburned or windburned skin. Mix the ingredients into a paste and smooth over your...


Eyelid Sunburn Soother

Eyelid Sunburn Soother Close swollen, sunburned eyelids and cover with cucumber slices or cool tea bags for 15 minutes. Chamomile works great. Preventing sunburn is obviously your best bet by wearing hats and sunglasses. ...


Cooling Sunburn Spray

Cooling Sunburn Spray Green tea, aloe juice, and laveder essential oil will help cool sunburn and promote skin healing. 1/4 cup (60ml) brewed green tea 1/4 cup (60ml) aloe vera juice 1/4 teaspoon lavender...


Honey Sunburn Mask

Honey Sunburn Mask As honey moisturizes, aloe vera helps cool and heal burned skin. Lavender essential oil heals and helps the production of healthy skin cells. When you have a sunburn or irritated skin...