Tagged: tired


Trouble Sleeping?

Having trouble sleeping? Instead of popping a sleep aid that leaves you groggy on the next day, try this trick: Drink half a glass of water, then put a pinch of salt on your...


Get a Second Wind

If there's no time to nap before you head out to tonight's bash, try this instant energizer: Sit on the floor and hug your knees to your chin. Keeping your spine rounded, rock back...


Outsmart Tiredness

You're struggling to get through your endless errand list when you find yourself exhausted and bleary-eyed. What gives? Maybe your sweater. According to a recent study, wool attracts 10 times more allergens than other...


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Behavioral Therapy Surprises Many Sufferers Though the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are still elusive, researchers recently made a surprising finding about cognitive behavioral (talk) therapy: it works as well or better than...